Ruhrpott Rodeo 2017 – Day 3

Ruhrpott Rodeo Festival – Day 3. With Snuff, Terrorgruppe, Teenage Bottlerocket, Pears, Samian, Distemper, Rasta Knast, Knochenfabrik, Methanboys @Hünxe Continue reading
Ruhrpott Rodeo Festival – Day 3. With Snuff, Terrorgruppe, Teenage Bottlerocket, Pears, Samian, Distemper, Rasta Knast, Knochenfabrik, Methanboys @Hünxe Continue reading
Ruhrpott Rodeo Festival – Day 2. With Cock Sparrer, Slime, Nothington, Lokalmatadore, Venerea, Bouncing Souls, Fehlfarben, Rawside, Rummelsnuff, Fleshtones, Reno Divorce, Yellow Cap . @Hünxe Continue reading
Ruhrpott Rodeo Festival – Day 1. With Bad Relgion, Swiss und die Andern, Die Kassierer, Zwakkelmann, Rantanplan, Zebrahead, Ignite, Clowns, DOA, Elf Fisch, ZSK. @Hünxe Continue reading
Photos of the second day of Ruhrpott Rodeo Continue reading
Photos from day 1 of this years Ruhrpott Rodeo Festival Continue reading
Ska-P, Knochenfabrick, Mad Caddies, Tim Vantol, Dritte Wahl, Mad Sin, Michel, Boskops, The Queers, Zaunpfahl, The Skatoons, The Baboon Show, Ruhrpott Rodeo, Hünxe, 19th May 2013 Continue reading
Black Flag, Eisenpimmel, Cockney Rejects, Zwakkelmann, Die Kassierer, UK Subs, Strung Out, Argy Bargy, The Generators, Bonsai Kitten, Nothington, Kein Hass Da, Ruhrpott Rodeo, Hünxe, 18th May 2013 Continue reading
Mad Sin, Lokalmatadore, Straßenjungs, Chefdener, Casanovas Schwule Seite, The Bottrops, The Other, Bambix, Rubberslime, Pascow, Smokeblow, Montreal, The Bottrops, TV Smith, @ Amphitheater, Gelsenkirchen, June 23rd 2007 Continue reading
Sham 69, Conflict, Spermbirds, Meteors, Boxhamsters, Normahl, Bitume, Dean Dirg, Betontod, Fahnenflucht, Rock n Roll Stormtroopers, Peter Pan Speedrock, @ Amphitheater, Gelsenkirchen, June 22nd 2007 Continue reading