Pre-Fest 3 – Day 1

Pre-Fest 3 Day 1 Wednesday. Ybor City, Tampa.
Black Tower, Crusades, Drug Church, Hospital Job, Priceduifkes, Irish Handcuffs Tiltwheel, Toys That Kill, Wolfface
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Pre-Fest 3 Day 1 Wednesday. Ybor City, Tampa.
Black Tower, Crusades, Drug Church, Hospital Job, Priceduifkes, Irish Handcuffs Tiltwheel, Toys That Kill, Wolfface
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Rotterdam Riot festival, day one. At Tiki Bar and Worm club. May 9th 2014. Continue reading
Crossbones Fest with: Mikey Erg, Priceduifkes, The Real Danger, The Accelerators and The Hotlines playin JH The Basement, Houthalen. 24.03.2012
The Apers, Zatopeks, The Accelerators, Sonic Dolls, Johnie 3, The 20 Belows, The Priceduifkes, Waterfront, Rotterdam, November 24th 2007 Continue reading
The Guts, The Apers, Priceduifkes, Cafe del Hel, Tongeren, April 14th 2007 Continue reading