Fest 18: Saturday

Saturday with: Ray Rocket, Gilt, Rational Anthem, The Tim Version, Guerilla Poubelle, Bullets to Broadway, Rehasher, Dopamines, Copyrights, Lillingtons. November 2nd. Gainesville
Continue readingSaturday with: Ray Rocket, Gilt, Rational Anthem, The Tim Version, Guerilla Poubelle, Bullets to Broadway, Rehasher, Dopamines, Copyrights, Lillingtons. November 2nd. Gainesville
Continue readingAnd here’s Sunday of the Festival: With: Barstool Preachers, Guerilla Poubelle, MArc, Slum Party, March, Not on Tour, Jenkem, Youth Avoiders, Clean Shirts. Manchester April 21st 2019.
Youth Avoiders / Guerilla Poubelle / Stalled Minds – @ N8lounge Bonn, July 7th 2017 Continue reading