Ruhrpott Rodeo – Day 2

Ska-P, Knochenfabrick, Mad Caddies, Tim Vantol, Dritte Wahl, Mad Sin, Michel, Boskops, The Queers, Zaunpfahl, The Skatoons, The Baboon Show, Ruhrpott Rodeo, Hünxe, 19th May 2013 Continue reading
Ska-P, Knochenfabrick, Mad Caddies, Tim Vantol, Dritte Wahl, Mad Sin, Michel, Boskops, The Queers, Zaunpfahl, The Skatoons, The Baboon Show, Ruhrpott Rodeo, Hünxe, 19th May 2013 Continue reading
Nothington, Masked Intruder, Tim Vantol, Front Bottoms, Roots Club, Mönchengladbach, 25. April 2013 Continue reading