Doph wird 40 (Dean Dirg, Gedrängel, Blinker Links)

Doph’s 40th birthday with Dean Dirg, Gedrängel and Blinker Links. Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, February 9th 2018 Continue reading
Doph’s 40th birthday with Dean Dirg, Gedrängel and Blinker Links. Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, February 9th 2018 Continue reading
Toxoplasma playing Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, December 20th 2013 Continue reading
Hammerhead, Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, September 13th 2013 Continue reading
Toxoplasma and Rabatz playing Sonic Ballroom, Cologne. 07.12.2012. Continue reading
The Jochen Strammer Explosion / The Sniff Some Glues, Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, December 22th 2008 Continue reading
Japanische Kampfhörspiele, World Downfall, Der Professor, Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, December 5th 2008 Continue reading
The Las Vegas, Black Sherrif, Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, November 29th 2008 Continue reading
The Strawberry Jam, Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, September 17th 2008 Continue reading