Robots Everywhere!, Noise Hounds, Astral Gunk, Tholidomy Kids, The Kidnappers, Sonic Avenues, Steve Adamyk Band, Vacation, Milanku, Nervosas, Alaskan, Crusades, Club Saw, Mavericks, Decuf, Ottawa, June 22nd 2013
Saturday started early. Robots Everywhere at 1 pm. Good entertainment. Noise Hounds and Astral Gunk are the same people, I liked the Noise Hounds version a bit better and enjoyed Thalidomy Kids. But then I got too tired and went home for a nap. I know I’m lame.
Came back in time for the Kidnappers, figured if a German band is playing I should make the effort and watch them, right? They were good, went under my radar so far. Sonic Avenues and Steve Adamyk got the crowd outside really going, definitely a highlight so far. And Vacation did a great job following up.
Then the schedule conflicts came. Go watch DeeCracks and The Jetty Boys at Mughots? Go watch Nervosas and Crusades at Mavericks? Do both and walk back and back again? I guess my plan was to start at Mavericks and then head over to Mugshots at some point, but I ended up staying at Mavericks.