Big Dick, Yellowteeth, White Pages, Dagger Eyes, Average Times, Panic Attack, The Decay, Camp Radio, Finderskeepers, Club Saw, Mugshots, Ottawa, June 20th 2013
At least American Airlines managed to deliver my bag early on Thursday. Must have been around 10 am. All the way out to Finch, Ontario, where Joe lives and was nice enough to accommodate me for the weekend. This is a small village. A few hundred people, but it has everything you need. A bank, a store, a fire department, “Fireworks Ice Cream and movies”, a post office with a very helpful staffer, and a chip wagon right across the street from Joe’s porch. Thats where we spent a good amount of the day. After a nap we went back to Ottawa.
This time there were more bands, and the evening split up into different venues. We saw the first part of the show at the Saw gallery, then I went to Mugshots for the rest of the night. No band stood really out to me, though. Can’t really say why. I tried fighting the light conditions at Saw, but all I got was a broken battery compartment at one of the flashes. I need to different strategy here. It went somewhat better at Mughots.